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The technique has truly changed my life…

After learning how to read spoken language using the Davis Method I started utilizing the same principles of the method in learning musical language.  After years of not being able to understand musical theory (notes, musical symbols) I now, week after week, have finally gained control over my learning.  Every time I encounter a topic I don’t understand I simply use the tools learned from the Davis Method and quickly understand even quicker than the average musical theory student who does not have a learning disability.  I highly recommend music students who have learning disabilities to be aware of this method.  It allows concepts which seem difficult to comprehend easy.   If you have any professional questions regarding the effectiveness of my progress you can speak to my teacher Ms. Dvori Buerstein who is on the faculty at the academy of music at Tel-Aviv University.  Her number is (03) 642-4779.

  Click to listen highlighted text! After learning how to read spoken language using the Davis Method I started utilizing the same principles of the method in learning musical language.  After years of not being able to understand musical theory (notes, musical symbols) I now, week after week, have finally gained control over my learning.  Every time I encounter a topic I don’t understand I simply use the tools learned from the Davis Method and quickly understand even quicker than the average musical theory student who does not have a learning disability.  I highly recommend music students who have learning disabilities to be aware of this method.  It allows concepts which seem difficult to comprehend easy.   If you have any professional questions regarding the effectiveness of my progress you can speak to my teacher Ms. Dvori Buerstein who is on the faculty at the academy of music at Tel-Aviv University.  Her number is (03) 642-4779. Powered By GSpeech  – Hadar Lily Hellman

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