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Johnathan Geffen, 6th December 2007

6th December 2007

Well, as you predicted, Yonatan has started reading in English. He was presented with a workbook at school and just whizzed through it. He makes mistakes and gets a little tied up here and there, but interestingly enough (and it makes sense), he reads a sentence well, but gets stuck when there’s just a list of individual words. Nevertheless, his motivation is high and it’s a pleasure to se him excited. His progress has also been helped by a computer game he plays, in which he has to interact with other people (via typing in English). It’s really spurned him on.

So… thought you would like to know all this.

I’m not over my back problems unfortunately, but significantly better than I was. So I think I’d like to set up a time for you to come to Beit Shemesh to give one of your talks, since a few people have enquired about when it’s
going to happen. Let me know possible dates for you.
Hope you are doing well.
Happy Chanuka

P.S. Last week Yonatan remarked that it was exactly a year since he came to you. You’ve helped him – and us – in so many ways. THANK YOU.

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